FutureGov 2010 Forum held in Colombo Sri Lanka during 28th and 29th October 2010. ICTA Agency of Sri Lanka hosted the event with the participation of 300+ Government Sector & Private Sector Administrative and Senior Management officers representing Asia Pacific Region.
Number of speakers representing various countries presents their views, ideas and plans for successful operation of governments with the help of information and communication technology. In his speech Mr. D. Dissanayake, The Secretary of Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs - Sri Lanka praise success of BMD project as ‘BMD project is greater achievement in Sri Lanka’s ICT industry’.
BMD project initiated by ICTA together with Register Generals Department and Colombo District Secretariat Office in order to manage all the Birth, Marriage and Death certificates in digital format and issue using ICT enabled electronic workflows. This project was designed, developed, implemented and support by Sanje Lanka Private Limited.